Medical Topics Scopus Indexed Journals

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Medical Research Journal is an open access journal of strictly scientific character. Medical Journals are those publications which contain information about medical to physicians and other health professionals. With the development of technology, now a day’s many medical journals have Web sites on the internet and some journals publish in online mode. Medical journals are important because they focus on local clinical problem, peer communication and fostering critical reading among healthcare workers. These medical Journals are written and read by doctors, nurses, medical researchers, post graduate students of medicine.

Some best medical Journals in the World

Annals of Internal Medicine

American Journal of Preventive Medicine

Drug Safety

Journal of Adolescent Health

Medical Care

New England Journal of Medicine

JAMA Internal Medicine

The Lancet

The Journal of the American Medical Association

The British Medical Journal

Following there is some tips that how should a medical student write a research paper for their research work.

Give importance of the Topic.

Do field work, means significance of your results to the field..

Highlight the innovation your research will bring.

Mention you have some previous work which related to your research now.

Provide reasons for choosing the particular topic.

Explain why you think readers will like it.

Publish your medical research paper

Submit First page file

Then Article file

Tables and figures

A scanned copy of ethical clearance certificate

Undertaking by authors and copyright transfer agreement

Neural Networks, Journals of the Franklin Institute, Journal of Big Data, Social Network Analysis and Mining are some easy publishing Scopus Journals of the world. A medical researcher studies diseases and conditions. Learn the causes behind it to help and improve and protect public health. That’s why a medical researcher also known as a medical scientist.