An Academic conference researcher stay connected to others in their field and learns more, share ideas and then new findings will have taken place. It is an event for researchers to present, discuss and finding theories of their scholarly work. It is also a platform where you get a chance to share your research findings and engage in insightful discussions with others on the latest happenings of a particular subject in your field of study. Something that the researchers won’t get from a publication they will findings it at conferences, seminars, workshops or events and will premiere their ideas. It helps to make research on a particular subject with current findings a great way to gain knowledge and developed ourselves, which allows researchers, students, professors, and scholars to come together from different areas to learn from each other.

Menstruation is the regular discharge of blood and mucosal tissue from the uterus through the small opening in the cervix and passes out through vagina. When egg leaves in women ovary, it travels through one of their fallopian tubes toward their uterus. If pregnancy doesn’t happen, then their body doesn’t need the thick lining in their uterus. Then their lining breaks down, and the blood, tissue and nutrients flow out from their body that is called menstruation. The 1st menstrual period in a female adolescent is called Menarche, typically occurs in between the age of 10 to 16. Women are normally experience symptoms like irritability, bloating, headaches, breast tenderness, moodiness and cramps during or just before their period and these symptoms may be mild or severe. These pains caused by natural chemicals called prostaglandins that are made in the lining of the uterus. During menstrual period bleeding might happen every 21 to 35 days and last 2 to 7days, normally women lose about 20 to 90ml of blood in a period. If hormonal imbalances occur in our body then periods happen irregular. Sanitary pads or sanitary napkins are used to catch menstrual blood and safe women. If you have a light flow or even there is no flow, then bacteria can be building up. That’s why changing your pad every 3 to 4 hours is good hygiene and helps to prevent bad effects of periods. Boys are experience symptoms like irritability, cravings, cramps and fatigue, which are common during periods. Such symptoms are referred to as Man periods. It is happen due to hormonal imbalances. When the topic periods come then women are feeling shy. But this is a natural thing and there is a need of period education for human beings to live healthy. For that many international seminars, conferences, workshops, webinars are organizing about this topic. Now people are more aware about menstruation cycle.