events in india

Aside from China, Bangladesh, and Thailand, Indonesia is the other Asian country that boasts remarkable results in the research work, academic outcomes, and scientific studies. This is because of the fact that, very much like its other Asian counterparts, Indonesia too has a flourishing community of extremely talented and visionary researchers, scholars, scientists and others who conduct remarkable research work in a variety of fields including Agriculture, Biotechnology, Applied Sciences, Genetic Studies, etc. All of these highly successful Indonesian scholars and researchers attribute attending an international conference in Indonesia, as the stepping stone to their success. has been serving as the number one source of reliable and trustworthy information on every upcoming conference in Indonesia 2021, for millions of young Indonesian scientists and academicians who wish to reach the global stage and make their groundbreaking research work and outcomes known to the entire world! This is because, here, one can find detailed lists of upcoming events scheduled to take place in every field imaginable as well as the provision to subscribe to convenient and free-of-cost conference alerts that are sent to subscribers via email.

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International Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finance and Social Sciences (ICGBEFSS)

Contact Person Conference coordinatorEvent Enquiries Email Address- papers.iefo@gmail.comDeadline For Abstracts/Proposals: 2021-07-18Organized By: IeeeconferenceVenue Bali ,Bali Indonesia

About Event

ICGBEFSS provides an international forum for researchers, developers, engineers and academicians who are involved in research projects to exchange and share their valuable ideas and research concept leading to the innovation of new and relevant technology. We are going to provide an opportunity to exchange new ideas, advances and technologies for all registered participants. We hope that this will become a strong technological and academic community for worldwide engineers, scholars ,academicians , industrialists and students in fields of relevant areas.